Mister Motley


14 juli 2017

A Neatly Manicured Hedge

Tweed is a fabric that extracts its ingredients and colors from the land it grows on. This landscape -A Neatly Manicured Hedge- is a world inside our existing concrete world.
In my ambition to compose a new material that is All-encompassing for a specific place, I decided to create my own specific place.
Hunters used to wear tweed as camouflage.
And the only two things a sheep needs to grow wool are water and grass.
During a performance I am a camouflaged creature inside my landscape. Cutting a little bit of all the fibers, collecting, blending and binding it into a new textile. This new material is an all-inculding material for my world, my tweed. I am the sheep who’s coat is growing by spending time eating/cutting. V
I like to be the folly builder.  
A tufted carpet is a man made pile fabric. Grass and fur are nature made pile fabrics. When one would cut the pile of the carpet it would be similar to a shepherd clipping a sheep or a gardener trimming a hedge.


Sanne Bax,  Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam), TxT department


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