
Het werk van Koos Buster Stroucken

10 september 2018

Op woensdag avond 12 september is kunstenaar Koos Buster Stroucken uitgenodigd om visueel te reageren op het gesprek tussen David Jablonowski en presentator Luuk Heezen.

Koos Buster Stroucken: ”My work portrays the search for a certain “doltish perfection” or something trivial that could also be celebrated. When I have an idea, I start sketching. Those sketches are a first step into the process, but I also like to see them as potential finished works, fully established within the sketch phase. The innocence and messiness of a quick sketch has elements I like to see returned in a final piece of work. 
For the graduation show, I made a museum of installed works. A wall fully covered with plates, quoting almost everything I don’t like. They are a celebration of my frustrations and anger.  For these plates, I used the same glaze technique some people call “Delft Blue”. 
My grandmother used to take me to the Rijksmuseum when I was young. My favourite part of the museum were the miniature ships of the Golden Age. They always fascinated me, those big ships from another time, presented in ultra-small scale. The “Cruiseship” showcases this fascination, in my own personal way. 
The “Schoonmakerswaagen” is the extensive edition of an earlier work I’ve made (“Mob Bucket”, exhibited in Frans Hals Museum two years ago). Just like with the old masters from the Golden Age, this ceramic “Cleaning Trolly” is the enhanced, master revision; it is my graduation masterpiece.”

Sierborden van bijna alles wat ik niet leuk vind, 2018

Blauwe dagen op zee, 2018

Schoonmaakerswaagen, 2018

Instagram Koos Buster Stroucken 


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