
Katerina Sidorova, KABK

10 juni 2016

The hero is needed. You make up the hero.  
You’re blaming the hero, preparing the hero. 
Why is he needed? What is he doing?

He’s doing a labor. 
​What is his labor? He builds a Chapel.

The hero is mortal. The Chapel will fall down, just like the hero.
Just like you are mortal.
Who is your hero? You are the hero. 
Are you the hero? Then why are you mortal?

The hero is needed.
Where is a hero?
Where is a hero when he is needed?

With “The Feat”, a year long project, I dissect myth as a belief system, myth as an escape system, myth as the form of knowledge or a form of ignorance. A narrative as a concentration of man’s deepest, most primal doubts and anxieties. The act of narration as an attempt to find the safe haven for a scared creature.

Deconstructing the logics of heroic myth and re-evaluating its role as a coping mechanism, which allows human to deal with existence as such and the inevitable knowledge of one’s mortality, I gradually unravel my own story in 7 acts.


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