Mister Motley

THE ONGOING CONVERSATION #4: Annabel Kanaar: We Don’t Always Want What’s Right

21 januari 2014

De maand januari staat bij 1646 in het teken van de komende lichting afstuderenden aan de opleiding Master Artistic Research verbonden aan de KABK. Deze studenten zullen deze zomer in de eindexamententoonstelling hun werk laten zien, en hebben in januari ieder een eendaagse solotentoonstelling bij 1646 (Cecilia Bengtsson / Sharelly Emanuelson / Hannah Dawn Henderson / Annabel Kanaar / Quenton Miller / Sara Pape). Aan iedere expositie is een ‘event’ verbonden, waarin het werk van de kunstenaar wordt geconfronteerd met een spreker of performer. De data zijn 14, 17, 21,24, 28 en 31 januari, steeds vanaf 19.00 uur. Vandaag: The Ongoing Conversation #4, aan de hand van het werk van Annabel Kanaar (‘We Don’t Always Want What’s Right’).

Exploring a twilight zone between the uncertainty of beholding reality or fiction this exhibition exposes the entanglement of affects and social models in our apprehension of death, mourning and memory, and invites the spectator to question the reliability of their moral compass. An arrangement of gestures will be exhibited and these moments of reflection happen through associative interpretations and, sometimes speculative, re-enactment of art history. These works consider alternative possibilities to the conventional thoughts on relationships. The exhibition will include a guest performance by artist Sands Murray-Wassink.

The Ongoing Conversation offers a series of fast-paced one-day exhibitions, conceived as a dialogue rather than a series of isolated events. During three weeks the exhibition spaces will become a stage for orchestrated ambiguity, paradox, spectatorship and theatricality. From Melville to Wikipedia, from post-colonial questions to universal issues as love and death; all of this will be explored and performed in six mini solo-exhibition events. 
Featuring a range of international artists, each exhibition is complemented with an invited guest who will lecture, perform or participate.

This project is the outcome of a collaboration between 1646 and the Master Artistic Research, The Hague.
The Master Artistic Research is a postgraduate study for artists, based at the Royal Academy of Art and the Royal Conservatoire, The Hague.

Also see www.masterartisticresearch.eu and/or www.1646.nl.


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