Mister Motley

Quote Me If I’m Wrong

11 januari 2015

Quote Me If I’m Wrong is about finding the right moment, in a phase of experiment and development, where the work leaves the studio and meets the visitor. 

Quote Me If I’m Wrong is the group exhibition of thirty-three graduating Fine Art students of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. Sculptures, paintings, installations, videos and performances meet each other on the fourth floor of the monumental building of Spaces. All the work is new, and has very recently been developed at the KABK. But there’s something else that’s special about this group show. All participating artists also had another role in this self-oranised exhibition. 

Alexander Baas

Jonas Raps

Abel Wolff

Andrea Owe

Andrea Owe

Bjorn Barendse

Charlotte Ursem

Chloë Neeleman

Chloë Neeleman

Ciro Duclos

Louis van Iterson

Elise Sothys Weegels

Helena Frijns

Zeno Beikircher

Marija Angelovska

Katarina Stankovic

Inge-Lize Zevenboom

Inge-Lize Zevenboom

Jeannette Slütter

Jip Piet

Kater Konarovská

Mickey Yang

Julie Blankevoort

Li Ma

Lisa Blaauwbroek

Lisa Blaauwbroek

Liza Pace

Lucie Tománková

Martin Gabriel

Max de Waard

Mira Aluç

Rebecca te Boekhorst

Zeno Beikircher

Tjarda van den Berg

Sophie Steengracht van Oostcapelle

Simon Oosterhuis

Rosemary Niehaus

Romy Muijrers



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