
Het werk van Wouter Klein Velderman

29 september 2018

Op woensdag avond 3 oktober is kunstenaar Wouter Klein Velderman uitgenodigd om visueel te reageren op het gesprek tussen Sema Bekirovic en presentator Luuk Heezen.


Born in 1979, Deventer, The Netherlands. Lives and works in Amsterdam.

Klein Velderman obtained his MFA in 2009 at the Sandberg Institute after completing his studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, where he now teaches.

Klein Velderman’s sculptures and installations are frequently made out of industrial materials that, in terms of their shape, but not in their function, reference to a practical world of construction, transport and industry. Even though their subjects tend to have this industrial character, the sculptures have quite an opposite feeling to them: vulnerable, delicate, refined. Among other venues, his work has been shown at art events, public spaces, museums and galleries worldwide.

Klein Velderman is co-founder of the Beeld Hal Werk exhibition on Dutch sculpture and the Amsterdam based artist-run collective KAFANA. In 2014 Klein Velderman worked together with the modern dance choreographer Krisztina de Châtel.

Scotoma 2017, blow-dried PVC fabric, Ficusses, tyleen tubes, cords, 330 x 150 x 400 cm

Tap Tap Revenge 2016, Site specific work consisting of three concrete bunkers, blow-dried PVC fabric, galvanised steel rings, 770 x 600 x H450 (orange) / H175 (green) / H410 (grey)

Squadron Me 2015, Blow-dried PVC fabric, ±50 x 55 cm

Klik hier voor de website van Wouter Klein Velderman


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