Mister Motley

Jasper de Beijer: The Brazilian Suitcase

Online tentoonstelling
12 december 2016
Museu do Indio, Manaus, Brazil
It took a lot of searching on Google Maps to find this lake
The unnamed lake, between Manaus and Roraima
Tribes like the Yanomami and the Wapishana live in this area
Most of the indigenous culture is lost, the younger generation has other interests. Museu do Indio, Manaus, Brazil
Tail of a Boeing 247D, in the jungle between Manaus and Roraima. This site is in the middle of an Indian reservation
Museu do Indio, Manaus, Brazil
The airline Transbrasil ceased operations in 2001
A manmade hill in the jungle between Manaus and Roraima
Traces of Candomblu00e9, the Brazilian version of Voodoo. Found near the airplane site
Medicinal plants and herbs in Museu do Indio, Manaus, Brazil
Part of a Candomblu00e9 shrine
Cultural Centre of the Peoples of the Amazon
Tribesman, between Manaus and Roraima
Polluted soil near the round lake
Illustration of different peoples at the Museu do Indio, Manaus, Brazil
A few villages remain, their existence threatened by logging and mining
On the way back to civilization

For my project ‘The Brazilian Suitcase’, I travelled to the city of Manaus in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. Further details on ‘The Brazilian Suitcase’ can be found here: http://debeijer.com/work/#1

In Manaus, I visited a number of museums that offered information about the indigenous tribes living to the north of the city. After this I went north myself, deep into the rainforest, in search of the edge where nature and culture meet. My Salon contribution gives an impression of this trip. 

– Jasper de Beijer

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