Keiko Sato

Keiko Sato: ‘Imagination is memory’ – James Joyce

Online tentoonstelling
16 april 2018
The book, u2018Boys Art' written by Nobuo Nakamura, 1986
Broken Cylinder in the corridor in Jan Van Eyck, 1995
My friend found this picture of a kamikaze pilot in the train, 1996
A picture of the terrorist attack in NY, 2001
The book, u2018Object to be destroyed', the work of Gordon Matta-Clark
Work by Gordon Matta-Clark
Books written by Haruki Murakami, u30a2u30f3u30c0u30fcu30b0u30e9u30a6u30a6u30f3u30c9uff08tUndergrounduff09u306du3058u307eu304du9ce5u30afu30edu30cbu30a8u30ebuff08De opwindvogel Kroniekenuff09
The book, u2018Jean-Luc Godard', SON + IMAGE, 1982
Apocalypse Now
The film, u2018Terminator', 1984
u2018Casa Milu00e0', Antoni Gaudi, 1906-1912
u2018Casa Milu00e0', Antoni Gaudi, 1906-1912
A scene of the film, u2018hiroshima mon amour', 1959
A scene of the film, u2018hiroshima mon amour', 1959
Le Corbusier, u2018Notre Dame du Haut', 1954
Le Corbusier, u2018Notre Dame du Haut', 1954
The book, "Exhibiting the New Art u2018Op Losse Schroeven' and u2018When Attitudes Become Form' 1969", 2010
The book, u2018Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972', 2001
A holiday photo in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, (Photo from Facebook), August 2012
The banner of u2018Let's do our best, Fukushima, Japan', 2013
The sign for the forbidden area in Namie, Fukushima, 2013
Ukedo beach (10 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power tPlant), 2013
The books, u2018100 people, 100 stories' in Fukushima. Interviewed by Yasumi Iwakami, 2011, 2012
The book, u2018radiation image' (The boot was picked up in the place, where is 10km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.)
Children in Dakar, 2016
Holiday photo in La Palma, 2016
The book, u2018The Invention of Nature', the adventure of Alexander van Humboldt, written by Andrea Wulf
The book, u2018Hannah Arendt', Kumiko Yano, 2014
Holiday photo in Srilanka, 2017
A photo in The New York Times, 14/04/2018

When I was a student in art school, a teacher told me that artists always need to have an antenna so they can pick up interesting things. It’s important to keep these things in a sketchbook. I haven’t written or drawn a lot in my sketchbook, but I remember what I found interesting.

Recently I have read the book, A Novelist as a Profession by Haruki Murakami. In this book Murakami mentions something James Joyce once said: ‘Imagination is memory’.

Imagination is a combination of fragmental memories, which are lacking coherence, can be intuitive and might have foresight.

I selected some images from books, films, architecture and holidays which are stored in my memory drawers.


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