Wat stenen ons vertellen
Jerrold Saija stelde voor Mister Motley een online tentoonstelling samen waarin stenen in alle formaten en hoedanigheden de hoofdrol spelen. We krijgen een scala te zien van mineralen, een steen met haar, de ballast die Sisyphus droeg, rotsen die met elkaar kletsen, kiezels die op een hoofd groeien, en zo ontstaat er een beeld van de totale poëtische bandbreedte tussen dynamiek en soliditeit die de hoedanigheden van stenen bestrijkt.
Stenen waarin woorden bloeien * transmitting presence * stone teachings * rock hard facts * afterimages
Een rots of een kiezelsteen, ongeacht hun grootte, lijken vanuit menselijk perspectief solide en onveranderlijk. Maar ze zijn in werkelijkheid betrokken bij de voortdurende interne bewegingen van de aarde. Gedolven, gebakken, trillend, gevormd, gemaakt – we worden omringd door stenen in hun vele verschillende vormen. We leven op een grote zwevende klomp mineraal. Of we geloven in de kracht van stenen op een new age manier of puur geologisch, in ‘deep time’ is een relatie tussen mens en steen, rots of mineraal onmiskenbaar aanwezig. En zo markeren verschillende lagen van stenen ook menselijke tijdperken. Wat gebeurt er als we echt naar onze omgeving luisteren? In verschillende tradities over de hele wereld vinden we stenen terug in kosmologieën. Ook door te kijken naar stenen ontdekt en herontdekt de mensheid wat voor hen nog verborgen was.
Het werk van Jerrold Saija is nu te zien in het Noordbrabants Museum, in ‘Imagine Home’ een tentoonstelling waarin dertien kunstenaars laten zien wat ontheemd zijn voor hen betekent.
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Camille Barton in conversation with Alexis Pauline Gumbs – recording 14.10.2021
[20:10] stones are evidence of the dynamism of earth
there are different responses to being part of the earth, and the earth continues to become itself. Like Audre continues to becoming herself even aIer her lifetime. We all continue to become, all the time.
setting stones
igneous rock – cathedrals – dynamism of a volcano – magma comes out and is able to have time to solidify
agate – metamorphic rock – forms of rocks that are layered and different within themself
sedementary rock – an archive – plain stone – made out of plant matter, silth and sand – solidified time
Audre Lorde was severely near sighted and she would hold these rocks right up to three inches near her face and she would scrutenize their complexity. She looked at people that way too:
What are the layers of time in you?
What is the evidence of the heat you have been through?
Part of what stone work was for her – tangible deep examination of earth, and an opportunity to actually work with something, evidence of difference that would sit still long enough for her to scrutenize it.
what is earth and what is it becoming? it’s not a static planet, it too is in transformation
[25:20] site of transformation – geology of an underwater vulcano – destabilizing example of how earth is dynamic – earth is not finished becoming earth
we need to re-learn how to be part of this rock – turn to nature to disrupt this human centric idea of what is the natural way to be in the world
[32:30] social transformation is related, it’s relation, we are all related, and that is really magical.
to do the work of social transformation – turn inward nurture own spirit, go beyond the linear understanding of progress
there are other sources of power – older ways of being connected – other than violent power of the state – other than the violent power of capitalist domination
the understanding that there is an alternative is not a vacuum – it’s full of magic. biomythography
[01:09:00] love is not limited – my definition of love – anytime I try to define it I might use different words – but it would include infinite every time – nothing limits love – but my relationship to love can be limited – by fear, insistence of ignoring, responses created – look at those limits and see that they can change – question it, study it, mapping it – what does it have to teach me now? – we dont have to protect ourselves from our limitations – our limits have something to teach us – thats the transcendence – we still get to change and to learn something else
what does it take for us to collectively hold each other.

Poetry and bookkeeping – Michael Welland
To all Aboriginal peoples, the Land is richly symbolic. the stories are the Land, and the Land on every scale, is the story. The Land, like everything, is alive, and humans are simply an inseparable connected part of it.
To the geologist, these hills tell stories too, but stories from several hundred million years ago of ancient mountains corroded and disintegrated by time and the atmosphere, the resulting debris of sands, gravels and boulders coming to rest along their flanks. Time and burial in the Earth’s kitchen turned these sediments into rock that later – much, much later – would be heaved back to the surface to suffer, over the last few tens of millions of years, the vicissitudes of weathering and erosion. History repeats itself. These are different stories of landscape, one more scientific, the other more spiritual, but both originate in the human imagination. [122]
There are perhaps a dozen mineral species present in interstellar space, 250 in meteorites or a newly forming planet, 1500 on a lifeless planet and more than 4000 on Earth today as a result of the conspirary between organic – particularly microbial – and inorganic processes. A large number of the newest minerals on Earth today are a direct result of the conspiracy between the ‘inorganic’ world and one particular lifeform: us. [131]

@10tennbooks Leonel Vázquez, Modular Boulder, 2019. “Modular Boulder is a story of a Colombian river with different tributaries. The sounds represent the source among the rocks at the top@of the mountains, in the Río Grande reserve and the geological heritage site in southern Antioquía. These waters flow down in the Chenche River in Tolima, “a river that drowned its past,” and moves through the “black river with white foam” in Bogotá, where it mixes with heavy metals and organic matter. It continues its way to Saldaña, Tolima, converted in a white water stream where, “they took the stone out of the river,” and ends at the Ranchería River in La Guajira, where this project originated, a “river of dry stones,” stripped of water due mining. Modern Art Museum of Medellín. #leonelvasquez #modularboulder #mamm #medellin
♬ original sound - 10 TENN

“Moluks Culturele Uiting in Stadsschouwburg (Breda)” MC Boetje Hitipeuw tells the ancient Legend (story) of “BATU BADAUN” Artists are miss Tien Titaley, miss Angelique Doemar and mr Chesron Nanuruw. Voice of Batu Badaun is mr Milco Titaley. Music is from Theatre Group MOBILAE.

@sarahbl.ue the world runs on crystals
♬ original sound - sarah🍉
@sarahbl.ue crystal girl meets tech girl and were all valid 🙋♀️🙆♀️
♬ original sound - sarah🍉

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