Mister Motley

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

25 november 2013

The fascination for good and evil is not something modern. Visual artists and writers of all times and cultures dive into the subject of the cause of violence, a world without mischief has until now still seemed to be an utopia.

Questions that will be treated: How far do you go in understanding an individual’s crimes? Is there a boundary to comprehension? How is looked upon good and evil from the perspective of religion? What is within reach for you as an individual to be a good human and what does that really mean?

Dr. Rico Sneller is assistant professor for ethics and philosophy at the Leiden University institute for Religious Studies. The will to ‘understand’ is a common feature of our western culture. Whereas modern science tries to understand natural phenomena, contemporary hermeneutics is out for an understanding of human expressions. On the one hand we can ask if evil can be understood, on the other, if it should be.

Marcel Elsenaar – teacher religion and belief, will show film fragments on good and evil.‘We have met the enemy and he is us!’ Good and evil are categories that help us to know what to do, how to live a good life. –

Break from 14.15 – 15.00

Dr. R. Horselenberg,Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University. A child enters the courtroom as victim of a messy divorce. –

Lucia de Berk – On the experience of being the victim of judicial errors. (dutch)

Marian Markelo – Winti-priestess Nana, closes the day with a winti-ritual.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions
27 november 2013 12.30–17.00 KABK STOOR, Herengracht 38 Den Haag.

Break is from 14.15 until 15.00. 
Feel free to come before or after the break Free entrance
Admission FREE

Studium Generale KABK

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