Mister Motley

Andre Schreuders -about Daniil Charms

20 maart 2014

Andre Schreuders will talk about Daniil Charms and focuses on how this writer influenced his way of thinking and was of great importance in his filmmaking. Daniil Charms (1905-1942) is known as a writer of absurdist stories and wrote a few philosophic texts that for the basis of his conception of art, world views and attitude towards life. Schreuders attempts to decipher and interpret these texts that connect Charms to avant-garde theorists as Malevic.

Andre Schreuders is filmmaker and philosopher. He works as editor for artistic films and documentaries.

Daniil Charms (1905-1942) is known as a writer of absurdist stories and wrote a few philosophic texts that for the basis of his conception of art, world views and attitude towards life. Schreuders attempts to decipher and interpret these texts that connect Charms to avant-garde theorists as Malevic.

Andre Schreuders is filmmaker and philosopher. He works as editor for artistic films and documentaries.

March 26th
14.00 Auditorium
Spoken in Englisch
Admission FREE


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