Melanie Bonajo

Melanie meets Night Soil

12 oktober 2014

Do we need to take sides ?

Melanie Bonajo is looking for what is someones inspiration, what is someones background, how much does the personal influence the professional, what is the role of emotion in the process, what is someones motivation. What someone dismisses. She is a visual artist who is selected by the Mondriaan foundation to work one year at the ISCP residency in NYC.

Night Soil is  an event I organised in collaboration with Bunny Michael a musical celebration of our sexual psychedelic power uniting the feminine and the masculine. Music emerges from Nature and can create psychdelic- or consciousness expanding-experience by speaking to each of us. Equality is not an idea it is a practice. “Night Soil” invites all who are interested not to find the answer, but to be the answer.


Art, music, and performance presented by Melanie Bonajo and Bunny Michael collided in bright, baffling displays, with Mother Nature herself serving as the overarching muse. And while music and sound were an integral part of the experience, it was clear that stunning visuals were an equal priority. Between the swirling colors and collages projected onto the backdrop and the vivid costumes, we were provided a feast of eye candy. Sexuality and human connection were persistent themes, and the lineup of performers and artists made a point of creating a stimulating, inclusive environment, where one is encouraged to embrace the beauty and oddity permeating through us all. It was a wild a night, and while we still can’t articulate everything we felt and saw, we would do it all again. 

All pictures by Walter Wlodarczyk





Bunny Michael

Bunny Michael

Bunny Michael Aka Nature Slut

Gage of the Boone

Goddess murder

Goddess murder

Goddess murder

Goddess murder

sigrid lauren (flutct)

sigrid lauren (flutct)

Yes Alexander



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Meer Mister Motley?

Draag bij aan onze toekomstige verhalen en laat ons hedendaagse kunst van haar sokkel stoten

Nu niet, maar wellicht later