Mister Motley

Gratis DIY Zine Camp

21 mei 2014

On the weekend of 24-25th May, WORM, PrintRoom and ReKult present Zine Camp, an open workspace connecting like-minded zinesters and newbies from Rotterdam to national/international zinesters and newbies. The aim is to make zines* together, but also to provide a space and place to socialize and collaborate in an attempt to discover and foster a growing community of zine-makers in the NL. Everyone is welcome and entrance is free

WORM will provide a large, free space, with tables to work on, a photocopy machine, paper, scissors, glue and a bar and a stage for live performances! On top of that, there are also many special events such as Speed Dating for Zinesters and Longhand publishers, a collaborative book making installation. Or check out presentations by Old Grumpy Dogs, Hinde Chaâtouf & Nikki Rosa Ootjers, Dishwasher Pete, Zines of the Zone, Roald de Boer, Woodstone Kugelblitz publisher and Rekult. You can also join one of the following workshops: paper marbling, instant zine making, bookbinding, crytoparty and superglue. Last but not least a reading tent and zine forest, areas to read and add your zines to the festival.

PrintRoom presents a variety of zine-collections with diverse material from different zine-scenes, contemporary as well as historical. A program of talks by collectors reveal some special zine-interests as diverse and quirky as: Mexican Punk, Neoist, Queer-Zines and Anarcho-Esoterica. The Riso workspace will be open for workshops by Chantal Rens & Basje Boer and the PrintRoom team. 

Click for more info


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