Vincent Verhoef

Vincent Verhoef: greek islands

Online tentoonstelling
7 januari 2020

Voor deze Salon bracht kunstenaar Vincent Verhoef 24 afbeeldingen samen en schreef hij het gedicht ‘greek islands’. Over de verzameling schrijft Vincent het volgende: De selectie afbeeldingen bestaat gedeeltelijk uit kunstwerken die belangrijk zijn voor mij als kunstenaar. Voor een aantal werken ontstond dit belang op het precieze moment waarop ik de werken zag. Bijvoorbeeld de figuratie als provocatie in het werk van Salvo (afb 4) of de directe representatie van geweld in Erna Rosenstein (afb 21). Voor andere werken is het belang mede ontstaan door contact met de kunstenaars zelf en hun manier van werken (Vivian Suter afb 12, Merlin Carpenter afb 18 en Louwrien Wijers afb 23). Een ander deel van de selectie bestaat uit afbeeldingen uit mijn dagelijks leven zoals eten koken, de studio en de straat. Het overkoepelende idee voor de selectie als geheel is de relatie tussen deze persoonlijke, fysieke ruimtes en de verschillende representaties van ruimte in de kunstwerken. Zoals bijvoorbeeld het grid van mijn terras in Athene (afb 8) tegenover het grid in Anni Albers (afb 7), Rabanus Maurus (afb 9) en Agnes Martin (afb 10).


greek islands

la luna, pirate bar
santorini, samothrace
venetians, ottomans, kerkyra

usually it’s too expensive, usually it’s too cheap
usually it’s too hot, usually it’s too cold
usually the food is delicious, usually you just have to eat
usually the water is quite refreshing, usually it’s quite dirty
usually you smoke too much, usually you’re out of cigarettes
usually you want to buy stuff
usually you just want to get out of there

the islands, yes the islands are breathtaking
the islands, yes the islands you can write them off

you love to sail but you have to take the ferry
you want to explore, you want scenic routes
you want to get out of this fucking traffic
you want your sunbed your umbrella
you want your sun, you want your shadow
you want your suntan, you want your sunblock
you want these people to be beautiful
you want them out of your sight

authenticity and yes luxury
affordability, but no not too affordable
it’s so romantic your body belongs to something else
and sometimes
the sun burns the name of your lover on your skin
the sun burns but your lover wants jewelry

you want to spend time in the old town
you just want to sleep for a decade
you want to be where the others want to be
they want to be where you want to be
you are having unforgettable experiences

you desperately wish you were someplace else
like plovdiv or toronto

usually there is not a breeze caressing your skin
usually it’s so windy your words have no meaning

cypresses, olives, lunar landscapes, you like their salty skins
this place is so remote but it’s hard to find a place to park
salt burns spring’s wounds, might it even disinfect
you wonder
xoriatiki, grilled octopus and patates always patates
you want to listen to music but the music is too loud
you think you’re overstaying your welcome
you think you should stay longer
you pluck figs from the tree

Lijst van afbeeldingen

  1. Two types of palm trees, from Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing by Zakariya al-Qazwini (d. 1283). The image is from a copy made in 1537.
  2. A photograph taken in Kerameikos, Athens, 2017.
  3. A scan from a drawing I made around 1992, 2018.
  4. A painting by Salvo titled L’Etna da Taormina, oil on canvas, 1999. This painting was shown in the exhibition L’Almanach 18 at Consortium Museum, Dijon, 2018.
  5. Spaghetti con gamberi, photograph, 2017.
  6. My kitchen in Amsterdam, photograph, 2019.
  7. A weaving by Anni Albers included in the retrospective at K20 in Düsseldorf (2018), titled Black, white, gray, 1927.
  8. This is an image of my garden in Athens. It’s a film still from Higher powers command: stay in debt, 2018 in which I am attempting to clean the terrace.
  9. Scan from Rabanus Maurus’ collection of poems, In honorem sanctae crucis, 845-847.
  10. An untitled drawing by Agnes Martin, watercolour, ink and gouache on paper, c. 1965.
  11. A work by Niele Toroni titled Travail/peinture pour le lac Majeur, 2003.
  12. Vivian Suter’s installation Nisyros (2016) shown at Filopappou hill during documenta 14, Athens, 2017.
  13. Lutz Bacher’s work Open the Kimono (2013-2018) as installed in the exhibition What’s love got to do with it at K21, Düsseldorf, 2018.
  14. A photograph of a shop window in the Königsallee, Düsseldorf, 2018.
  15. A carpet and an issue of the magazine Flash Art in my studio, 2018.
  16. A painting by Nicolas Poussin titled Blind Orion searching for the rising sun, 1658.
  17. A depiction of the Orion Nebula, by Charles Messier, 1771.
  18. Stripe paintings as installed by Merlin Carpenter, for the exhibition “De Streepschilderijen” at Overduin & co, Amsterdam, 2018.
  19. Manifestation 3 with Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Michel Parmentier and Niele Toroni, presented in the theatre at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, 1967.
  20. Photograph of a couch in a building on Kurfürstendamm, Berlin, 2018.
  21. A painting by Erna Rosenstein titled Night (Noc), 1993.
  22. A painting by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin titled The house of cards, probably 1737.
  23. A photograph of artist Louwrien Wijers, Lead stairs, zeppelin and Louwrien Wijers, 1975.
  24. A photograph taken around the corner of my house in Lykavittos, Athens, 2017.
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